Apple ios9 adblock app info


Apple will bring a new ios update each year with the release of a new Iphone or Ipad. With the Iphone 6s and 6s plus Apple released ios9 a new ios with many updates and functions. But this time the Browser app Safari has a big update that will change browsing for many Iphone and Ipad users all over the world. Apple made the function content blocker available with ios9. This function gives you the possibility to download a adblocker in app store and use it while browsing with safari. On non mobile devices adblockers are a common thing. In Chrome and Firefox you can download the extensions for years.

Apple has a huge share in mobile phone market world wide. Many users are browsing with Safari while they see ads all the time, in videos, in articles everywhere are ads. Now can you do something to change your way of browsing online on your Iphone or Ipad!

Appstore-iconIn the Apple appstore you can doznload many different adblockers (content blockers) most of them will work the same but some of them have special functions to block ads. Some will only block ads in the browser app Safari and some will also block ads in other apps like Youtube or just advertisement in apps.

In the Video above you can see how a adblocker works in Apple ios9. This is just a preview and a simple app thats blocks only Safari browser ads. But it wil give you a impression what a adblock can do for you!!

question-markWhy should you download a ios adblock?

Good question! Ofcourse can you still use your Iphone or Ipad without a adblock. But a ios adblock has some very nice benefits for you! Below are some benefits you will like:

Will sites load faster with a adblocker?

Downloads-2-iconYES It will speed up your web browsing experience. How? that’s simple because you don’t have to download the ads! easy as that! The Safari browser on your Iphone or Ipad only has to download the actual site code and convert it for your screen. But that’s not all!


549i4125B4CDECDCDD0AWill a adblocker also extend battery life? 

YES! We all know those annoying, flickering, moving ads that will terror your screen while you only want to read a article. Those annoying flickering ads ask for more cpu power and that will effect the battery life. By disabling those ads more less cpu power and screen or maybe even sounds will be used what will extend your   battery life.


Is a adblock app safe? 

YES First of all, all the apps in Apple appstore are checked by Apple for viruses and bad/illegal code. This will insure you that the app is safe.

Also will the adblock app provide extra safety while you browse the internet. The adblock app will block tracking cookie ads and tracking code from the ads that will follow your web browsing style and give you ads special for you.

If you want more information or just download the right adblocker for you. you can check this website to find the best Apple adblock app for you!